Characters: Susan, Grace, and Lucy... Puppets: A, B, C, D, E, F, G (no character names)


Act One


In the corner of the World, a group of little puppets live in a small village. Every little puppet is diverse and has different talents or uses. The carpenter Grace made them. The puppets do the same thing everyday of the week; every puppet sticks stickers with either stars or dark spots onto each other. These stickers are used to divide the puppets into two different classes; puppets with smooth and beautiful wood will be given a star sticker by another puppet. However, for the puppets with coarse and unattractive wood are stuck with the black spotted stickers.

*A and B, the townspeople come on stage. Be at ease, as if in real life *
*A and B meet at the centre of the stage, character A wears a high hat and uses a cane like a gentleman, and B holds a sack of money in his hand, appears rich *


Puppet B:

Wow! You look verrrrry noble; you must be a courteous gentleman! (Shoves one hand into pocket as if searching for something), Here! Have this beautiful star. You should put it on right now!

Puppet A:

Hmmm..... (Facial expression: haughty, arrogant.... way too proud! *but holding it back*) I can tell that you are most likely quite wealthy yourself. I have a sticker for you as well. (The 2 characters stay on the stage and pretend to be sticking stickers onto each other)

*AB brush past each other leaving the stage at opposite sides*
*C and D step onto the stage, can get on stage before AB leaves stage*
*CD meet at centre stage*
*C has a cigarette in his mouth, hands in his pocket, looks like a hoodlum*
*D looks a lot like a hoodlum as well, walks in a very hip hop fashion*

Puppet C:

Yo man! The hell you lookinˇ¦ at!? You a break-dancer? You guys disgust me! I gotta put a black sticker on you! (Pretend to be getting stickers from pockets or something)

Puppet D:

We got a problem here? You lookinˇ¦ for a fight!? Punks like you deserve worse than me, you want a sticker? You got it. (pretend to put a sticker onto puppet c)

*C and D leave the stage the same way as A+B*